



Back pain home remedies

 Do you often have back pain? Here are the natural solutions!

We often lament back pain, but none of us take this back pain seriously.

Usually we do things like rubbing ointment on the back and rubbing it in hot water.

But when back pain happens to us often it can only be a sign of some kind of problem.

Problems like back pain and hip pain occur only after aging but nowadays I face more problems like back pain back pain at a young age.

Let's see how to fix these with naturally available ingredients.

Coconut oil and camphor

First take a little bit of coconut oil and add a little camphor in it and boil it well. Then let the oil cool well and store it in a bottle.

Rubbing it on your back before going to bed twice a week will reduce back pain.

Eucalyptus or Nilgiri balm

Take a bath with lukewarm water mixed with a little Nilgiri or camphor balm.

Drinking this three times a week not only relieves back pain but also eliminates others in the body.

Hot water bag

Sit with your hot hand behind your back while you watch TV or do other work while sitting. This warmth will reduce your back pain.

Cumin water

Pour two glasses of water in a bowl and add well-seasoned cumin and bring to a boil.

Then cool the water in a warm place, soak a cotton cloth in it and apply it on the sore spot. Doing this twice a week will cure back pain.

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People with back pain should often take home-made juice and eat it like this to cure back pain.

Then a pinch of turmeric powder and powdered cardamom powder in a glass of milk every night should be mixed with a good solution for back pain.


People with back pain should take two betel leaves, squeeze it and pour it in coconut oil and boil it well.

Rub the heated coconut oil well on the back pain area as it is the best remedy for a back pain.

pepper water

Take a glass of water in a bowl in which 5 peppercorns 5 cumin and a teaspoon of zucchini mix well and bring to a boil.

Then you should drink this water. Doing so will cure back pain.

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