



Country chicken eggs benefits

 Benefits of Country Chicken Eggs!

Eating one or two nattu kozhi muttai daily can keep the body fit.

Country Chicken egg is high in country chicken protein which protects the eyes of the people who eat it daily. For those who eat turkey eggs daily, the bones are sure to look strong


Diseases such as cataracts and cataracts are caused by a lack of protein in our body, so the chicken eggs are high in protein.


Bones are the most important part of every human body and those bones need to be very healthy and strong.

So for those who are undergoing treatment for broken bones, those bones will heal faster if they eat country eggs daily.

Disease period diet

 People who are malnourished and who have been suffering from the disease for a long time will recover faster if they eat this turkey egg. It is being used as a food for a disease.


Clinical studies show that turkey eggs are less likely to cause cancer if eaten regularly

Head hair, nails

 Melanin, a protein derived from food, is a protein that helps our body grow hair and nails.

Protein deficiency problems such as hair loss and broken nails can be eliminated.

Pregnant women

Country chicken eggs meet all the nutrient requirements that women need during pregnancy. The nutrients like protein and calcium in these eggs provide essential nutrients to pregnant women and their developing children.

Duck eggs benefits


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