




 Benefits of cycling .. !!

 This bicycle is the first vehicle we all get used to driving in our life. In the past, bicycles were used by people of all ages, from children to adults.

The bicycle that was one of our lives like this can now be said to have forgotten this bicycle due to the changed lifestyle of life.

  Protects us from various dangerous diseases like diabetes, diabetes, acidity.

Strengthen the heart

Daily cycling strengthens the cardiac muscles around the heart and pedaling while cycling strengthens the left eye muscle, also known as the second heart, and improves blood flow throughout the body. We can also increase the lifespan of the heart because of me.

Reducing stress

Cycling gives you the opportunity to travel with nature in a variety of situations and enjoy nature. Due to this the brain begins to secrete a hormone called dopamine which can bring happiness to the mind.

This dopamine hormone is a stress hormone called cortisol that can increase stress

Controlling secretion. The result is this cycling ride that helps keep the mind happy and healthy throughout the day.

Controlling diabetes

What doctors highly recommend to control diabetes is to exercise well daily and learn to burn calories. Cycling for an hour daily can burn about 400 to 1000 calories. Due to this it helps in controlling the blood sugar level. Cycling is also an important factor in improving insulin secretion.

Reduce body weight

Cycling can burn calories from all parts of the body, such as the arms, legs, thighs, and hips. The result can be a significant amount of weight loss. Cycling at the rate of one hour daily for a month can completely reduce body weight.

Strengthens the respiratory organs

As the movement of the lungs increases while cycling, the ability to breathe improves as a result of being able to carry large amounts of oxygen throughout the body in a short period of time and proudly remove waste from all parts of the body.

Especially when cycling in the early morning, the whole body gets the oxygen it needs for a day and it also strengthens the lungs.

Preventing joint pain

Usually joint pain is caused by the lubricant area between the joints being dry. This not only strengthens the bones during cycling but also helps the joints to function smoothly.

This will prevent joint pain. Not only this, with the help of cycling you can prevent diseases like arthritis and degeneration of the joints which can occur in people who sit and work for a long time and in the elderly.

Giving a strong look

During daily cycling, the muscles and bones in all the organs such as the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened and the number of muscles that are found in large quantities is burned, thus giving a toned body appearance.

Increasing brain function

When cycling in a natural environment, the brain gets the oxygen it needs and the blood flow to the brain is evenly distributed throughout the day. Cycling that helps you to function with good agility and good efficiency.

It also helps prevent Alzheimer's, a disease that affects people who suffer from insomnia.

Preventing cancer

The cause of cancer is due to the presence of free radical cells in the body which can affect the healthy cells as there is a lot of unwanted waste in the body.

Daily cycling reduces waste in all parts of the body and increases the body's metabolism cells. Thus cycling protects us from various types of cancers.

It can prevent cancers such as breast cancer and cervical cancer, which can occur especially in women.

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