



Home remedies for hair loss

 Some natural home remedies for hair loss

Nowadays both men and women face hair loss problems.

The problem of hair loss is often due to a genetic problem and fatigue in the current period.

Home remedies for hair loss

Home remedies for hair loss

Home remedies for hair loss

Home remedies for hair loss

Home remedies for hair loss

Home remedies for hair loss

Currently, most people live a highly depressed life, the impact of which can quickly lead to problems such as graying and hair loss.

Not only this, with the help of diet you can do wonders for your hair.

Everybody is always wondering if there are any side effects from buying and using hair loss products available in stores.

 With this in mind, the risk of losing hair fast is not going to stop even if left unused.

One of the best ways to do this is to care for your hair with natural products. Below we will look at some natural ways to prevent hair loss!


Fennel seeds not only give strength to the hair but also make the hair soft and silky.

 Soak a little dill in water and grind it, mix it with a little mustard oil or coconut oil, apply it on the roots of the hair and soak for an hour, then rinse the hair with warm water.

Doing so will reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

mustard oil

Take a cup of mustard oil and mix four henna leaves in it. This mixture should boil well.

Then strain the oil and strain it into a bottle.

With this oil, if the head is massaged well, the hair will be healthy and the hair loss will be controlled.


Rinse the hair well with cold water and then massage the scalp and scalp well with your hands.

Doing so increases blood flow to the head.

Stimulates blood flow and prevents hair loss.


Onion is a wonderful medicinal substance that prevents hair loss in winter.

First grind the onion and take the juice, apply the juice on the scalp and massage for a while, then rinse with mild shampoo.

Doing this at least 3 times a week will not only reduce hair loss but also stimulate its growth.

Also, if it starts to fall bald on the head, take a green onion and rub it on the bald spot until the skin is red and then apply honey on the affected area. This method is a great stimulant for hair growth.


Eggs are one of the most important ingredients in nourishing hair.

Strengthens hair follicles.

Separate the egg white, add a little yogurt and mix well, then apply it on the roots of the hair.

 Then soak for an hour and rinse hair with mild shampoo. Do this 2 times a week so that the hair stops falling out and becomes well strengthened.

Natural shampoo

Mix together 5 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp lemon juice and 2 tbsp mustard dough.

Then rub it on the scalp, soak it and rinse it in water, the hair loss will stop and the hair will grow well and healthy.

Gooseberry and coconut oil

Heat a cup of coconut oil, let it dry, then add the gooseberries, bring to a boil, strain it and pour it into a bottle to collect.

 Massage well into the scalp and hair daily.

This will definitely reduce the amount of hair loss and make it grow better.

Gooseberry and lemon juice

Mix gooseberry juice and lemon juice together and rub it on the roots of the hair and massage it to reduce hair loss.

It is also a great stimulant for hair growth.

coconut milk

Washing the scalp with coconut milk is also an immediate solution to hair loss.

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