



Excellent medicine for kidney problems pear fruit benefits

 Pear fruit and its benefits!

A pear is a soft, sweet fruit with a fibrous center.

Although the pear is called a fruit, it is a fruit. This is called the country apple. Although it looks like a green berry, it is a fruit. Soil

Some pods are brown. These can be grown in mountainous areas.

It is a fruit that is only available in certain seasons. Those who buy and eat this will gain immunity.

These provide much needed energy along with fibrous fruit juice.

They are high in fiber, and the antioxidants in them help fight many health problems that boost the immune system.

Its local names include 'Perikai' in Telugu, 'Nashpati' in Hindi, 'Perigai' in Tamil, 'Sabaril' in Malayalam, 'Naspatti' in Gujarati, 'Nashpatti' in Marathi and 'Nag' or 'Nashpati' in Punjabi.

Prevents heart disease.

 One of the great benefits of pear is that it contains fiber, which protects us from heart disease by reducing body fat. Daily take of fiber foods such as pears can reduce the risk of stroke by up to 50%.

Controls blood sugar levels

 Although it is slightly sweeter, it has a lower glycerin index and a higher fiber content.

Pears control the level of sugar in the blood and prevent diabetes.


 It contains 20-25% of the daily intake of medium sized pears. Because its fiber is insoluble, it moves easily through the colon and prevents colon polyps. High fiber helps improve digestion.


 Folic acid is very important for a pregnant woman to protect her baby from birth defects. The folic acid in pears helps you with this problem. It is also recommended to use it regularly during pregnancy.

Secretion of breast milk

Breast milk is the best nutritious food for a newborn baby. It is very important to breastfeed the baby from birth as it is high in immunity.

But now breastfeeding is declining. This is because some women do not secrete breast milk properly during this period.

Therefore, if they eat 1 pear daily in the morning and evening, the secretion of breast milk will increase.

Reduce hair dryness

 Pear has moisturizing properties. It is very effective in reducing the dryness of our hair. Also, it contains a lot of Vitamin C, which acts as a natural antioxidant and helps to regulate hair fibers by maintaining the health of hair cells.

Cure the sore:

Mouth ulcers can occur if there is an ulcer in the stomach. Pears have the power to cure mouth ulcers and stomach ulcers.


Some people have diarrhea due to food allergies. And for some people, diarrhea is caused by bacteria. Eating pears daily will cure diarrhea.

Kidney problem

It is used as an excellent medicine for people with kidney problems. It is used to expel urine, to correct impaired kidney function, and to cleanse the body of excess water.

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