



Prevent Cancer Cloves health benefits


 Cloves health benefits

Let's talk about the benefits of cramps in one of the food items!


           Cloves are the dried flower buds of the Sycamore Aromaticum tree. It has been widely used for many years not only as a spice but also as a medicine for many ailments. It is also traditionally used to treat tooth decay, digestive problems, bad breath and sexual dysfunction.


Containing cloves

Nutrition Content:


           Clove gives fragrant aroma to foods like biryani, lentils, curry, soup and tea.

      Many essential vitamins,

Suppresses an excellent range of nutrients, including minerals and dietary fiber.

      These are naturally low in calories and are ideal for weight loss and facilitate balanced digestion.

     Clove is a rich source of manganese, an important mineral rich in calcium and phosphorus for optimal brain function and bone strengthening.


        Clove, generously blessed with vitamin K, aids in instant clotting processes in tissue wounds.

         At the same time potassium diffusion helps maintain normal blood pressure and prevent high blood pressure.

      Cloves contain vitamins C, vitamin E, eugenol, flavonoids and gallic acid, which have powerful antioxidant properties.

      They remove harmful free radicals from the body. It avoids the risk of cancer, boosts the immune system, ensures optimal metabolism and promotes healthy skin and hair.


Methods of adding cloves to the regular diet:


          Clove has been an integral part of Indian cuisine since ancient times and is used for its rich mint aroma and delicate spicy taste.

        Clove, also known as "Long" or "Lavanga" in India, is used in traditional desi cuisine as a whole bud or ground fine powder.

      Roasted cloves are often a part of regular Indian spice blends like Karam Masala, Koda Masala and Chettinad Masala.

        Clove powder or dried buds are added to tea, hot drinks and desserts to complement the sweet taste of sugar, honey and jaggery.

         Clove is used in small quantities to make pulao, biryani, as well as legumes, meat curries and soups.

Best Health Benefits of Cloves:

 Promotes digestion


           Clove enzyme secretions

Improves digestion by stimulating and increases digestive motility.

        Clove is excellent for relieving flatulence, gastric irritation, dyspepsia and nausea.

 Controls diabetes


              High blood sugar level

Clove is best for those who have. Because

 Research has found that clove improves insulin sensitivity and aids in the efficient functioning of insulin.

Good for bones and joints


          Eugenol in cloves and

Contains hydro-alcoholic compounds such as flavonoids, which help to increase bone density and mineral content in bones.

            People with weak bones and osteoporosis benefit from regular intake of cloves.

Increases immunity

         The wonderful ingredient Eugenol in Cramp is very effective against many harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses.

         The antiviral and purifying ability of crampin reduces the toxicity in the blood and enhances resistance against diseases by stimulating white blood cells.

 Reduces body pain and inflammation

          Eugenol in cloves has strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce pain by stimulating pain receptors in the body.

          Clove oil or juice provides relief from arthritis, inflammation and any pain in general.

 The toothache will go away


          Clove oil is used as an antiseptic for toothache, gingivitis and mouth ulcers.

        According to the American Dental Association, clove oil is approved as a dental anesthetic.

 Prevents cancer


       Eat more cloves to protect against cancer because the eugenol in cloves has strong anticarcinogenic properties.

      And helps control lung cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer in its early stages.

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