



home remedies acidity gastric


Home remedies acidity gastric

With acidity (heartburn) and flatulence

No need to go to the medical Shop at home anymore!

Acidity (heartburn)

Acidity is one of the major problems in today's world and today it is becoming a health problem for many people.

  Most of us have occasional heartburn and discomfort. This is because when our stomach secretes too much acid, it comes up through the esophagus. This is why it causes chest irritation.

If it is more severe, it can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bloating.

What causes it?

When we eat a lot of spicy foods and do not eat breakfast properly, there are many factors that can lead to acidity, most notably alcohol and overeating.

 Frequent acidosis can lead to stomach ulcers and ulcers. Hence these kinds of problems need to be cured early on.

Some of us watch TV commercials and buy over-the-counter medications for digestive disorders, which are high in aluminum hydroxide, which can cause most side effects.


So to cure such problems we take herbs that are naturally available to the body without any side effects without wandering in search of pills.



Tulsi leaf causes stomach upset. It also has high anti-ulcer properties so pluck the tulsi leaf and chew it well and swallow its juice. Or put basil leaves in water and boil it and drink that water. By doing this it helps to reduce the effect of excess acid secreted in the stomach.


Anise makes any type of food easily digestible. It cools the stomach and helps to relieve the irritation caused by acidity. You can boil zombie in water and drink it or just chew it in your mouth.



Bark works as a miracle medicine to cure heartburn. It stimulates the digestive system. It has high levels of antioxidants. Mix the bark powder with water and drink it. Or mix the bark with tea and boil it and drink it to reduce the acidity.


Clove is not only an antiseptic but also has antiseptic properties that improve digestion and flush gas. Thus the heartburn is cured immediately. Clove can be powdered and mixed with water or whey.


Buttermilk is a very cold drink. Instantly controls excess acid secretion. It gives this to the stomach. Mix ginger and coriander leaves in cold whey and drink it.

Gas harassment

Gas harassment is not only a physical harm to a person, but also in public places

Causing various embarrassments and problems.

Many English medicines have come up with a solution to the gas problem,

However, let’s look at the steps on how to heal with the natural medicine products available to us.


We need to make it a habit to add two cardamoms to all kinds of food items we eat. Thus the problem of gas harassment will not come up.


The smell of the pound and its warming properties help to reduce the irritation caused by gas harassment.

Do you have flatulence or

If you have problems with flatulence, you should drink the juice extracted from fresh garlic. It will give the solution immediately.

Apple cider vinegar

 Apple cider vinegar is used as an immediate remedy for gas. Mix two spoons of vinegar in hot water and then drink it after the hot water cools down.


Ginger is used as an excellent remedy for mouth sores. Whatever form we take of ginger after we eat, it can be a solution to the problem of flatulence.

Guava leaves

Put the guava leaves in water and bring the water to a good boil.

Then the juice of the leaf is mixed well with water and then drinking the water will reduce the problem of gas.


Exercise daily. Avoid consuming highly carbonated beverages. Do not drink eggs and milk frequently. Do not sleep after eating.

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