



Bleeding gums remedies


Bleeding gums remedies

Cure diseases like bleeding gums and swelling in the gums !!

The main reason for this is that even if you pay crores of rupees for your laughter, someone is praising you as tenth.

So teeth are very important to protect our smile Ginger is the sculptor who protects teeth like pearls.

It is the gums that protect the teeth from any kind of infection. So we need to protect the gums from any kind of bacterial attack.

Bleeding in these gums causes many problems like swelling pain so we will see in this post what steps can be taken to prevent these problems from coming.

Baking soda


   Mix baking soda with lukewarm water and make a paste. Rub on it and after 2 minutes rinse your mouth well. Baking soda is used to inactivate the acid in the mouth and reduce it if there is any way to dental problems and gum problems.


When we feel pain in the gums we should take two cloves and chew. You can also use a mouthwash by mixing a small amount of clove oil in water.

It works best and we should use it twice a day.


After we brush our teeth with lemon juice mixed with water we should rinse our mouth with it so that the problems like bleeding gums in the gums will be a little less than before.


Turmeric contains curcumin which reduces the problems of painful swelling and irritation in the gums. Mix turmeric with vitamin E oil and apply it on your gums. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. Doing so will give good relief.


Everyone knows that aloe vera is very good for your skin. It is also good for the gums. Take aloe vera juice and apply it directly on the painful area of ​​the gums and then wash it off with cold water after 10 minutes.

Boiling in salt water

Every day we need to mix a little salt in warm water and swell it with or without gingivitis. Doing this will prevent toothache and gum pain. Salt is an excellent disinfectant. It goes up to the root of the teeth and helps to kill germs.

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