



Knee joint pain relief remedies

 Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Only the elderly suffer from this knee pain in the early stages but nowadays teenagers are also experiencing these joint problems. Arthritis is a condition in which the ligament is damaged or the fluid between the joints dries up and causes friction between the joints.

Common Causes of knee Pain Excess body weight Weight gain Calcium in the body is one such cause of joint pain. Joint pain is especially common in women after a certain age due to an increase in calcium.

This joint pain is caused by a genetic predisposition to the body's immune system.

In today’s post we will look at how to cure this joint pain that many people suffer from at home.

Fennel powder

Dill Pepper Cumin Dill is a mixture of these three which is an excellent remedy for joint pain especially due to arthritis and calcium deficiency in the elderly.


These three ingredients are high in calcium and magnesium which strengthens the bones. All three of these products are an excellent remedy for joint pain.

Cumin water

People who suffer from knee pain usually have problems like digestive problem in the body.

If the food we eat is not properly digested, the body will not get the energy it needs and then the body will absorb the required energy from the bones that are stored in the body. Thus the bone is seen to be weakened.

When I drink sesame water it helps to solve the gas problem and digestive problems in the body so that the bones get the energy they need. It helps with joint pain.

Potato juice

Take a good medium sized potato and cut it thinly and put it in a tumbler cup of cold water overnight. If you wake up in the morning and drink that water on an empty stomach, joint pain will be cured.

Black sesame

Take a tablespoon of black sesame seeds and soak it overnight. If you take it on an empty stomach in the morning and eat it, the problems related to joint pain will be cured quickly.

coconut oil

Warm coconut oil or mustard oil and put a little camphor in it and apply it on the affected area when it is moderately hot.


Mix one tablespoon of alfalfa with 23 cloves of garlic and boil it well and eat it twice a day. Doing so will cure arthritis.

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