



To cure Blocked runny nose remedies

 Natural home remedies to cure problems like runny nose

Problems such as runny nose and runny nose are problems that can occur during the winter cold and rainy seasons. But now with the changing times there is an irregular life respectively. So problems like this happen all the time. Such infections are more common in children and adults with weakened immune systems. In this post we will look at some types of hand remedies to solve such problems.

Anise plays an important role in relieving mucus.

Also, you can keep the juice of the messenger and eat it during the day in the rainy and snowy seasons.

Take 2 to 3 peppers and give it with a needle and cover the fire in the oven. Doing so will cause the pepper to thin out and begin to bloom. The smoke should go near the nostrils and we should breathe. Thus problems like nasal congestion will disappear when we breathe.

A small amount of peanuts, a little bit of pepper and cashews should be mixed together. Eating this will cure problems like runny nose, allergic rhinitis and sore throat.

Instead of drinking ordinary tea every day, we should make tea with mint, ginger, cardamom and basil and drink it daily. This helps to prevent nasal congestion.

Mix a little bit of pepper powder in good oil and rub it around the nose.

Now we have to inhale the breath and then we may sneeze. However, this process should be continued so that the mucus comes out and prevents nasal congestion.

Add a little camphor to coconut oil, distill it well and rub it on the chest. Doing so will cure colds.

Eating basil leaves daily does not cause colds.

Garlic is a good medicine to get rid of colds. Take 4 or 5 cloves of garlic and add it to a tablespoon of ghee and fry it well. We should eat it while it is still hot.

Take a piece of crumbs, remove the skin, clean it, put it in half a liter of water and distill it well. Then mix milk and sugar in it and eat it twice a day in the morning and evening to get rid of nasal congestion quickly.

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