



Home remedies for sugar diabetes control


Home remedies for sugar|| diabetes control

Diabetes can be controlled by eating one of the following herbs daily.

In medicine, diabetes is known mathumegam In tamil. Diabetes can be caused by genetics and lifestyle.

Diabetes is considered to be a metabolic type of diarrhea which is caused by indigestion due to digestive dysfunction.

This increases the amount of sugar in the pancreas and causes disease.

India is a hotbed of diabetes. Because diabetes is spreading very fast in our country.

Most importantly in this disease its symptoms do not seem so great. The only way a person can tell if we have diabetes is by taking a blood test.

Medications, diet, lifestyle, mental health all combine to raise blood sugar levels.

Control Diabetes Although there are many foods, diabetes can be controlled by taking it in the right way at the right time.

Those who claim that their blood sugar level is always high should also follow some of these dietary supplements with medications.

Then check your blood sugar level ‌ for sure the disease is under control.

 With the help of a few medicinal herbs you can completely get rid of this disease.

Let's see what herbs they are!

Bitterguard  plays a major role in protecting us from diabetes.

Bitterguard is a natural chemical that helps lower the level of glucose in our body.

Bitterguard contains more calcium and iron than spinach. It improves the secretion of insulin in the body and helps to control the sugar level in the body.


If we drink Bitterguard juice on an empty stomach every morning it will help control diabetes.


Cinnamon helps control diabetes, which helps keep insulin levels in the body low.

It contains Cinnamate, a natural chemical called Cinnamic, which has been implicated in various efforts to control diabetes.

Researchers have found that cinnamon may help reduce the risk of diabetes.

Mix cinnamon in hot water every morning and drink that water.

It also helps control diabetes


Fenugreek is high in fiber which helps in regulating digestion when we take high doses and helps in proper digestion of blood sugar levels.

 Dill has been found to be used for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

It helps to regulate the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar in the body.

Take two tablespoons of dill and soak it in water overnight and drink that water on an empty stomach the next morning.

We should not drink this and eat anything else for half an hour.


Gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C which helps in curing diabetes.

Gooseberry is a powerful antioxidant that can fight diabetes.

We should have 2 or 3 gooseberries daily

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Mix it with hot water and drink it daily on an empty stomach.

Mango leaf

Mango leaf diabetes. Helps to control .It helps to secrete more insulin.

Mango leaf acts as a powerful antioxidant of Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

It contains a chemical called 3 beta which causes the body to secrete insulin immediately.

Good progress can be seen if 10 to 15 leaves are soaked in water overnight and then filtered in the morning and drunk on an empty stomach.


Aloe vera helps in lowering the level of glucose in the body.

 People with type 2 diabetes have found a significant change when using aloe vera.

Grind a little turmeric with aloe vera and drink it daily. It is very good for people with diabetes.

Aloe vera in particular is great for reducing body fat.

Curry leaves

There is nothing we do not know about the benefits of mustard. We add curry leaves to our daily diet without fail.

Researchers at King's College London have found that people with diabetes can lower their glucose levels by consuming a little more curry leaves.


Guava fruit is high in fiber. Experts say that if we continue to consume cinnamon, diabetes will be under control.

Guava fruit for people with diabetes

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