



No need to go gym ,lose weight 39 kgs by 30days

Weight lose tips 

 In today's lifestyle, many people, especially women, are worried about how to lose weight by going to the gym and going to the hospital. When you ask obese people, they say that they don't eat much food and will never lose weight no matter what.

If you follow some of the tips mentioned here, you can keep your weight under control without going to the gym.

Don't skip protein:

Eating protein-rich foods such as eggs, paneer, and nuts prevents unnecessary hunger for a long time. Therefore, it is better for people who want to lose weight to take protein foods.

Water Therapy:

Those who want to lose weight should drink water often, especially when drinking hot water, unnecessary fats in the body get rid of it and the body weight is reduced quickly.

Reduce the crunch:

People who are obese claim to be on a diet and eat junk food when they are hungry in between and eat junk food. They say that eating junk food is the most important reason for obesity.

Avoid adding sugar to your diet:

Reducing the amount of sugar in any food that contains sugar, such as desserts, bakery-type foods, tea, coffee, etc., will help keep your weight in check.

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