



Home Remedies for Cough and Sore Throat

 Home Remedies for Cough and Sore Throat

With the onset of winter, humans develop problems such as coughs and sneezes. Iron deficiency is usually caused by poor health and immediate irritating problems.

Iron is usually temporary and is caused by an allergic reaction to dust or pollution. It is more common in the winter. Coughing can occur even if you have a sore throat.

So in this post I will look at home remedies for correcting problems like iron and sore throat.


Honey is used as an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. Honey is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties such as antimicrobial which helps to soothe sore throats.

Honey mixed with herbal tea or lemon juice in warm water and drink twice daily. Or cut the ginger into small pieces, put it in a tumbler of water and boil it well. Then mix a spoonful of honey in it and drink this mixture three times a day. Doing so will prevent problems like cough and sore throat.

Salt water

Rinse your mouth with a little salt water when you have a sore throat. Rinse your mouth with salt water.

Ginger juice

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce airway obstruction. Drinking ginger tea or consuming ginger juice with honey and black pepper is the best remedy for cough. .

Lemon juice mixed with a spoonful of honey and ginger juice 3 times a day can cure cough and sore throat.


Pepper greens contain a compound called menthol. It helps to make the nerves in the throat feel sensitive. This can help relieve sore throat and irritation. Peppermint helps reduce my chest irritation. Eating two or three times a day is a great effective remedy for cough problem.

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