



Preganant Womens rice or Poongar rice benefits

Poongar rice benefits

Let's see about Poongar rice, one of the traditional rice varieties of Tamil Nadu!


Natural farming methods are used for this.

 It is flood resistant and low water cost only.

 This rice is red in color and is dependent on samba rice.

It contains more minerals than other types of rice.

It cures most of the hormonal problems in women.

Hence it is also called ‘women’s rice’. It is especially useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers.


Poongar rice helps in recovery from celiac disease, cures diabetes, lowers cholesterol, increases hemoglobin content in the blood and enhances immunity. Regular consumption of Poonkar rice by pregnant women leads to normal childbirth.

Poongar rice is a wonderful choice for making delicious itli, dosa, idiyappam, pudding and porridge. It should not be accepted for lunch.

 Health applications of Poongar rice

  Useful for pregnant women:


Poongar rice is highly recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers.

Because it gives strength to the body. It is usually served to them in the form of porridge.

 If pregnant women regularly consume poonkar rice, the baby will be healthy and healthy at birth.

  Eliminates bad sweat from the body:



It contains anthocyanin (antioxidant), which helps in expelling bad sweat from the body and providing a healthy life.

  It also helps to boost the immune system.

It increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, thus boosting the immune system.

It gives strength to the body and also controls from strokes.

It contains a lot of micronutrients which provide the essential nutrients needed to strengthen the body by consuming it.

 Vitamin B1 contains:

It contains Vitamin B1, which is especially helpful for mouth and stomach ulcers and stomach related problems.

 It is said to be helpful for headaches and enhances memory.


Poonkar rice avoids the mixing of glucose in the bloodstream compared to other types of rice. Therefore, it is very suitable for diabetics.

  Cholesterol Management:

Pomegranate intake helps in lowering the cholesterol level in your body. It is high in fiber which helps in easy digestion.

Poongar reduces heart problems, obesity-related problems and stimulates appetite.

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